
Do you want to ensure more People of Color are in leadership roles? Do you want to be a part of that change?


United Way of King County is recruiting for the 2025 session of Project LEAD (Leadership, Effectiveness and Diversity)! Project LEAD is an in-depth leadership program that trains, recruits, and connects equity-centered Black, Indigenous, and other people of color to serve on local nonprofit boards.


This month-long program will take place in March 2025. Project LEAD provides a fast track for highly qualified individuals to develop the knowledge base they need to become leadership volunteers at local nonprofits. Participants examine topics such as the governance of non-profit organizations, the legal and financial responsibilities of board members, and much more. Additionally, Project LEAD provides tools, information, and introductions to help participants select a board on which to serve.  


Over the past 32 years, 1,200+ leaders have graduated from the program. In a survey of Project LEAD graduates, 90% felt more prepared to fill the leadership role of serving on a board, and 94% said they acquired skills that translated directly back to their professional lives. In addition, local non-profit and civic organizations benefit tremendously from the experience that Project LEAD graduates bring to their boards.   


If you or someone you know is passionate about your community, Project LEAD offers the skills necessary to serve confidently, make local connections, and contribute to a more diverse and equitable leadership landscape. Unique perspectives are essential for addressing the challenges facing our community.


For details of the program and the online application visit: https://www.uwkc.org/volunteer/project-lead/.


The application deadline is Tuesday, December 3, 2024. Please contact the Project LEAD Team if you have any questions about the program: 206.461.5014
